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Home AIIA NSW eHealth Briefing – Who benefits from collaborative care? AIIA NSW eHealth Briefing – Who benefits from collaborative care?

AIIA NSW eHealth Briefing – Who benefits from collaborative care?

Friday, 29 May 2015

NSW Trade & Investment, Level 47 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia


Keynote Speakers

  • David Bergman, Chief Financial Officer, Calvary Health Care
  • Prof Steven Boyages, Senior Endocrinologist, Westmead Hospital
  • Gail O’Brien, Director and Member of the Board, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
  • David Roffe, CIO, St Vincent’s Health Australia, NSW
  • Dr Tim Smyth, Chair, Eastern Sydney Medicare Local (ESML) Board

Collaborative care has traditionally been focused on the sharing of information between specialties and services within a hospital, the patients, carers and their clinicians. With a focus on patient centric care, we are empowering the patient to become healthcare consumers, looking for a broader range of services. This redefines the meaning of collaborative care and expands it to include collaboration amongst other segments of care including community, aged care, holistic medicine and rehabilitation as examples.

At the next AIIA Healthcare briefing our expert panel will discuss:

  • Whether the patient is being empowered sufficiently to enable them to play a more active part in their own healthcare journey?
  • How the business works together with Healthcare IT to drive the value for both the beneficiary and the vendor?
  • How does this evolving landscape of collaboration, which includes public and private service provider organisations, and segments like private health insurance, benefit from this evolution and what is the impact on technology requirements.

There will be plenty of time for Q&A and for networking both before and after the event. Come along and contribute your views on this important topic.

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