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Digital Skills PAN

The Digital Skills PAN is a collaborative group of business and education professionals focused on the continued viability of the Australian ICT industry by encouraging skills and educational development. Working in cooperation with a number of national and state-based education-focused organisations across the ICT industry and government, the Digital Skills PAN provides a forum to AIIA members which enables them to achieve outcomes conducive to supporting the continuing growth of the Australian ICT industry.

Formerly the Digital Skills Special Interest Group, the Digital Services PAN functions as an expert advisory body within the AIIA to:

  • Advise and assist the AIIA in responding to skills and training issues in the Australian ICT industry
  • Positively influence Australia’s ICT education and training environment to better meet ICT workforce requirements
  • Influence the ICT education and training curriculum, at all levels; primary, secondary, and tertiary (both vocational education & training (VET) and Higher Education)
  • Undertake advocacy activities in supporting the development of further STEM education and training opportunities, increasing the number of ICT tertiary graduates at para-professional and professional level and supporting further skills innovation to facilitate the transition to digitisation

Core Issues

As part of its activities, the Digital Skills PAN has identified the following priority areas to drive and define its activities in 2021:

  • Continuing to address the significant and escalating ICT skills shortages in Australia
  • Support efforts to improve employability of ICT graduates and new ICT professionals
  • Support tri-partnership projects addressing targeted ICT skill shortage areas
  • With key stakeholders, continue its work in developing the national Higher Apprenticeship Training scheme and related ICT skills development initiatives

Digital Skills PALT

To support the AIIA’s policy and advocacy activities, each PAN has its own Policy Advisory Leadership Team (PALT). The PALTs are dedicated Executive groups, which have been convened to steer their respective PAN activities, and provide high-level guidance and oversight.

Member Portal

PAN MEMBERS: Log into the AIIA member portal to access the Digital Skills PAN group. The new AIIA PAN groups are designed to help you connect with other PAN members, access resources and more.

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AIIA Policy & Advocacy Team
