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Home iAwards: SA Innovation Forum and State Winners Awards Night iAwards: SA Innovation Forum and State Winners Awards Night

iAwards: SA Innovation Forum and State Winners Awards Night

Wednesday, 19 June 2013



Keynote speakers

  • Ted Pretty, Group Managing Director and CEO, Hills Holdings Limited
  • Hon. Gail Gago MLC, representing Premier of South Australia

Please join the ACS, AIIA and Pearcey members and leaders from the South Australian ICT Community to celebrate South Australia’s most innovative technology firms and influencers and the transformation they are bringing to business, governments and the community.

We will also hear from keynote speaker, Ted Pretty, Group Managing Director and CEO, Hills Holdings Limited who will be in Adelaide to outline the importance of innovation in the success of Hills to date and the critical role it will take in transforming the company in the coming years into a diversified investment business characterised by improved margins, greater shareholder return and return on capital and a shift to growth sectors underpinned by an exploitation of trends in technology and communications.

In his address, Ted will highlight how Hills is accelerating the release of new products, recruiting new design competencies and targeting new development partners and channels.

Further, supported by Ted’s significant experience in commercialisation and growing successful businesses in the ICT industry, he will outline his top tips for entrepreneurial high growth ICT firms.

To add to the high quality SA Innovation Forum, Ted will be joined by Hon. Gail Gago, MLC (representing the Premier of South Australia, Hon. Jay Weatherill MP) who will provide an update on initiatives from the Government of South Australia aimed at fueling a culture of innovation in South Australia to build future prosperity for all South Australians in a knowledge economy. She will also help present awards to the SA iAwards winners ahead of the national phase of the competition.

The SA Innovation Forum will also provide an excellent networking opportunity.

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