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Home Doing Tech & ICT Business in South-East Asia Doing Tech & ICT Business in South-East Asia

Doing Tech & ICT Business in South-East Asia

Wednesday, 04 May 2016


As a precursor to the Victorian State Government Trade Mission to CommunicAsia, the AIIA Exporter Club – supported by the Victorian State Government and in association with the Export Council of Australia – is delighted to bring you a panel discussion on doing ICT and tech business with South-East Asia.

Whether you’re participating in the mission to CommunicAsia, or are just interested in doing business in this exciting market, this is a must-attend event!

Our expert panel will share their insights on:

  • The opportunities and challenges of business in SE Asia
  • The practical aspects of business in the region
  • Helpful hints
  • The intricacies of CommunicAsia

A lively discussion will present great opportunities for participation and questions. There will be ample time for networking with other ICT/tech exporters and Government representatives.


2.30pm            Registration Afternoon tea served

3.00pm            Introduction Collins Rex, Chair, AIIA Exporter Club

3.15pm            Panel discussion

4.00pm            Q & A

4.30pm            CommunicAsia mission overview. Kathy Coultas, Director ICT /Tech Sector Development, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

4.45pm            Closing remarks Stuart Bland, Senior Manager – ICT Trade and Business Development, Innovation and Technology, Trade and Investment, DEDJTR

5.00pm            Networking Coffee served

5.30pm            Event concludes

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