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Home Events AIIA NSW Healthcare Briefing: Mobile connectivity to the My Health Record

AIIA NSW Healthcare Briefing: Mobile connectivity to the My Health Record

Tuesday, 09 May 2017


AISLING FLYNN | [email protected]

Price Member: $65

Price Non-Member:  $120


Many of you will have read of the recent launch of the Healthi app from Chamonix, the first app to connect directly with the My Health Record –  there’s been a lot of interest in knowing more about this opportunity and about the Australian Digital Health Agency’s (ADHA) direction. At the first AIIA Healthcare briefing for the year, we will hear from:


  • Rachel De Sain, who is Executive General Manager, Innovation and Development at the Australian Digital Health Agency.  Rachel has carriage of strategy development for the Agency and will outline the key strategic goals around connectivity and the best ways in which vendors can align their solutions with the strategy.

Rachel will be joined by Peter Del Fante from the clinical field and Geoff Rohrsheim from Chamonix who will share the experiences and the benefits gained from access to data, anytime and anywhere.


We look forward to you joining us for this informative briefing, which will be followed by networking.


Rachel De Sain

Executive General Manager
Innovation and Development, Australian Digital Health Agency


Rachel is an internationally regarded digital strategist with close to twenty years of global experience having worked with governments, Fortune 500 companies, and leading academic institutions. As founder of Flaxworks, Rachel helped her clients to develop solutions that leverage existing infrastructure and look to future innovations to ensure sustainable long-term success. She has expertise in design thinking, digital transformation and strategy and has delivered a range of world-first innovations for companies such as MTV Networks, T-Mobile and Accenture.


Over the past five years, Rachel has led a range of health and social services projects and is passionate about the opportunity to deliver measurable improvements through the use of innovative technology and processes. In addition to developing new health start-ups for clients including New York based VC Innovation firm prehype, she delivered the digital strategy for Healthdirect Australia. This included a redesign, delivering six new digital services, including mindhealthconnect my aged care, Pregnancy, Birth and Baby, and the National Health Services Directory.


Rachel De Sain is responsible for leading the Agency in the development of innovative digital health services for consumers and healthcare providers, demonstrating how the application of digital technology can support people to live healthier lives. Her team will work with public and private sector organisations on enabling increased innovation and facilitating strong collaboration and co-design of services across the sector.

Peter Del Fante,

GP and Digital Health Consultant


Dr Peter Del Fante is a General Practitioner in private practice (Adelaide), a Public Health Physician and a Health Informatician. and his interests include Digital Health, Integrated Care, Preventative Care, Health Data Analytics and Telehealth.


He was a Clinical Governance Lead with the National eHealth Transition Authority (NeHTA) since 2008, and now is a Senior Clinical Reference Lead with the Australian Digital Health Agency.  He has been involved with all aspects of the National Digital Health Agenda, including the My Health Record.  He was also the Clinical Lead for the McKinsey Diabetes Care Project.

Bruce Pedersen

Managing Director
The Checkley Group


Bruce is the founder and Managing Director of The Checkley Group, Australia’s leading independent Health IT Consultancy. He has particular expertise in eHealth Strategy and leads strategic planning and program review assignments for clients including NSW Health, SA Health, Queensland Health, Sydney Adventist, and for local health districts across the Eastern seaboard.

Geoff Rohrsheim



Geoff shares his executive time across his own co-founded startups being Hatch Creations, Chamonix IT Consulting, Cevo and Expose Data.

Geoff is a former EY Entrepreneur of the Year winner for the southern region and has had 3 start-ups appear in the BRW Fast 100. His latest venture, Kloud Solutions grew rapidly in 5 years to have over 170 staff with offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Manila. Kloud was ranked by BRW as the fastest growing company in Australia in 2014 and was the winner of Microsoft’s Australian Cloud Partner of the year in 2014 and the worldwide winner in the cloud productivity category in 2015. Kloud was sold to Telstra in Feb 2016.

Geoff is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a non-executive director of RAA, RAA Insurance and Business SA (state chamber of commerce). He chairs the Technology and Innovation sub-committee at RAA, is a member of the Australia Post Stakeholder Council and an advisory board member of Rivergum Homes. 

Geoff founded Strategic Data Management (SDM) in Adelaide in 1999 and was Managing Director until it was acquired in 2008 by a publicly listed company. SDM was an IT Systems Integration company which grew rapidly to have over 100 employees in offices in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra servicing large corporate and government clients.

Geoff is passionate about South Australia, the IT industry and how IT can improve business performance and society in general. He has been solving business problems with the pragmatic use of IT for over 2 decades.

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