• Featured Events
        • Make an application for event endorsement

        • Featured Events
        • Make an application for event endorsement


Check out these handy hints for entering the iAwards!

You don’t need to be working in an ICT/IT environment to be successful in the iAwards.  If you’re solving problems using technology, we’d love to hear about it, no matter what type of industry you’re in. We also strongly encourage students to showcase their solutions too.

If you’re thinking about entering the iAwards, but need some guidance on the process, read these tips to help you maximize your opportunity in getting those most out of your iAwards journey.

1. Create an application

Visit our entry platform at https://iawards.awardsplatform.com. Create an account to start familarising yourself with the questions and judging criteria. You can go back to revise your application at any time before the final deadline.

2. Choose your category

Choose up to three categories to enter – one primary category and one Cross Industry Category and/or Cross-Technology. The category descriptions are elaborated here, along with a category structure diagram.

3. Take note from our Chief iAwards Judge

Watch this helpful quick video by our 2018 Chief iAwards Judge, Fulvio Inserra, as he shares some tips on completing your application.

Watch the overview video from our Competition Manager to learn more about the iAwards program.

4. Write your application concisely and to the criteria

You’ll have the opportunity to explain the problem your innovation solves, but you’ll need to use evidence (or educated guesstimates with evidence) to back up any claims you make.

5. Submit before the deadline.

We understand that innovation can change in a matter of weeks, so we strongly encourage you to submit your application early (take advantage of the early bird offer!) AND you can continue to log back in and edit your application until the final deadline of 6 March 2019 (organisations) and 13 March (students)..

6. Keep the video simple

Whilst the video is optional, its highly recommended to submit a video with your application as it will be viewed by the judges. We’re looking for authentic, passionate pitches about your innovation – face to camera clips are much preferred over production-quality clips. Remember you’re talking to your village – other innovators – so be true to yourselves. And make sure it’s under 60 seconds.

7. Enjoy the journey

The iAwards program can be a lengthy but a fun and worthwhile journey, with many opportunities along the way. To understand the full process, click here.

Past experience tells us that entrants gain a lot from going through the iAwards process. We ask the hard questions that others might not, and it’s a great opportunity for you to test your approach to your innovation. The program pulls together innovators, do’ers and problem solvers from across the entire economy. Be open to feedback and making connections along the way.

8. Ask questions

If at any point in the process you have any questions or need clarification, please contact the iAwards team at [email protected] or call 0475 823 700.