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Codebots is a software development platform as a service, which writes on average 92% of an applications codebase. It was a commercialisation of our founder Eban Escott’s PhD research at the University of Queensland.

How does it feel to have won an iAward?

It was an amazing feeling winning two iAwards and two Merits. It’s great to know that all the hard work we put into developing a product is being acknowledged by a prestigious organisation like the AIIA.

What’s happened to Codebots since winning?

Since the iAwards, we’ve really refined Codebots. What the bots are amazing at currently, is migrating legacy applications to the cloud – and this is a huge pain point for so many businesses and government departments. We’ve refined our onboarding process, so migrating an Access database to a full stack application with API documentation – which usually take weeks, if not months – is done in eight steps and a matter of days, depending on the size.

What made you enter the iAwards to begin with?

It was an opportunity that we heard about through our network. Once we looked into it further, it was a great opportunity to share the Codebots’ vision. We had nothing to lose.

Why would you recommend entering the iAwards?

The iAwards provides a platform to share your company and its vision. There are so many new ideas every day, which can create a lot of noise. We were able to share Codebots and our service company, WorkingMouse, on a national and international stage.

What advice/tips would you give to other innovators considering entering?

It’s a fantastic forum for meeting other like-minded innovators. Recognition from a prestigious organisation like the AIIA helps with company growth. Through AIIA affiliated events, we’ve met a number of great contacts that will assist us in expanding further.

What did you learn from pitching at the National iAwards?

Being a startup, you get a lot of pitching practice. It’s always good to add new developments and pitch those in front of a panel of judges. We received feedback on how to improve the pitch between the national awards and our international journey to APICTA.

What’s next for Codebots?

The next step for Codebots is to continue to expand. Shortly, we’ll be participating in Austrade’s Singapore Landing Pad. In addition to global expansion, we’re upgrading our onboarding process to migrate more legacy systems to cloud applications – stay tuned.

Do you have a fun fact about your iAwards journey?

The Hon Kate Jones, Minister for Innovation and Tourism Industry Development, opened our new office after we met her at the Queensland iAwards Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony.

For more information about Codebots, check out our website: www.codebots.com.