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AIIA Events Program

The AIIA is renowned for its event program and the value it delivers for its members through opportunities that are derived from it. We offer a range of events to cater for our membership including our Online Briefing Series, Face-to-Face Events, and International Trade Delegations. This offers an opportunity for members to access content as they wish throughout 2024.

With the success and demand for our events, the AIIA has released its initial events program for 2024. Make sure to bookmark the program as we continue to build more events as the year progresses. The topics remain many and varied and deal with content that is very relevant today. Our intention is to provide you with access to information, experiences, and resources to create a range of opportunities for you that stand at the forefront of the tech industry.

2025 Edition

Previous Editions

Click on the covers of any of the below editions to read them.

AIIA Events Program is published by the Australian Information Industry Association [AIIA].
ABN: 19 008 568 036. ACN: 008 568 036
Head Office: Level 5, 447 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
GPO Box 23289
Docklands VIC 3008
2024 All rights reserved

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