AIIA, Standards Australia and DISR Tech Standards Information Session
Standards are a vital instrument by which trust, innovation, integrity and the sustainable advancement of technology is achieved in the twenty-first century. This unique webinar is your opportunity to hear from three of the pivotal organisations at the intersection of tech standards – the AIIA, Standards Australia and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources. AIIA experts in tech standards will speak to their experiences and value they have drawn from participating in tech standards, as well as providing a corporate perspective on behalf of AIIA member businesses who participate in the work. Representatives from Standards Australia will speak to the organisational structure and process around Committees and the institutional aspects of the standards landscape. Finally, the Department of Industry, Science and Resources will shine a light on the support and briefings available for Australian stakeholders engaged in the development of standards for critical and emerging technologies. This webinar is a must-attend for anyone currently engaged in tech or ICT standards, or anyone who has ever considered learning more about standards bodies and representation.
Geoff Clarke
Regional Standards Manager
Geoff Clarke is the chair and expert member of several IT and Governance standards committees and is employed by Microsoft. He works with national standards bodies, government, academia and industry experts to ensure that Microsoft and its customers can achieve their strategic goals through the innovative and responsible use of IT.
Geoff represents Australia on several international standards committees and contributes to standards on topics such as Governance, Cloud Computing, IT Security and Artificial Intelligence. The common thread through these committees is his focus on providing guidance to organizations on developing data and technology strategies within a robust governance framework.
Geoff is a Strategy Board Member at the ARC Training Centre for Information Resilience. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Queensland and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Soraya Selinger
Strategic Initiatives Manager (Critical and Emerging Technology Lead)
Standards Australia
Soraya is a multi-disciplinary technology and media executive with a focus on management, strategy and business development. Currently Strategic Initiatives manager, and the critical and emerging technologies lead at Standards Australia focusing on AI, cybersecurity, 5G, blockchain, IoT and smart cities.
Paul Robinson
National Standards Engineering Manager
Paul Robinson is IBM Australia’s National Standards Engineering Manager. With some 50 years’ experience in electronics communications and information technology equipment fields, he was elected to the Board of Governors of the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society in 2021. Paul participates in nine Standards Australia technical committees, as the AIIA lead representative, and chairs two Standards Australia national standards committees: TE-001 for safety of information and communications and audio/visual (ICT/AV) equipment, and CT-002 broadcasting and related services. Internationally, Paul represents Australia on IEC Committee TC 108 (Safety of ICT/AV equipment) ever since its first meeting many years ago. He also chairs Communications Alliance’s standards Publications Advisory Group, and the AIIA’s Product Requirements Standards Group.
Mark Bowden
Manager, Critical Technology Standards Engagement Section
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Mark Bowden is the Manager of the Critical Technology Standards Engagement section within the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources. His role focuses on engaging with stakeholders from industry and academia, to develop and implement policy initiatives to increase Australia’s influence in the development of international standards for critical technologies.
Mark has a Masters in international relations and has represented the Australian Government in delegations to the International Telecommunications Union, along with prior experience working in Australia’s national standards body.
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