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Home Events South Australia — Connected, Ready for the Future

South Australia — Connected, Ready for the Future

Thursday, 21 November 2013




Be there when the Premier launches the next generation of ICT strategy for the Government of South Australia, and an action plan to put open data to work for the SA economy.

Spaces limited!

Guest Speaker:

  • The Hon. Jay Weatherill MP, Premier of South Australia


  • Andrew Culley, Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
  • Peter Harper, Deputy Australian Statistician for the Population, Labour and Social Statistics Group, Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Andrew Mills, Chief Information Officer, Government of South Australia

Where will South Australia’s future wealth and sustainability come from?

With a mix of economic swings simultaneously in play, ranging from South Australian industry sectors facing declining productivity levels, shifts in global demand, a falling Australian dollar and new opportunities emerging, a key question rings out for business in SA—where will South Australia’s future wealth come from?

And business is not alone. Government also seeks to drive prosperity for South Australians through more effective customer‑focused services, collaboration and sharing of knowledge and assets—across agencies, and with industry and the community. But with the weight of tighter-than-ever budget constraints, how can this be done?

These challenges are thrust at us in the midst of a rapidly changing economy, where we face an environment of an increasingly connected world where some are embracing the use of digital technologies to innovate and to create new kinds of value for their customers. For others, it’s simply about survival.

How will leaders across South Australian business and government respond? Where do new opportunities for collaboration lie?

SA Connected and the Open Data Action Plan

You are invited to join the Premier of South Australia, Hon. Jay Weatherill, and other speakers and panelists in a unique partnership of the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), and the South Australian Government—bringing together industry leaders and government executives to discuss these important questions.

As part of a range of strategic announcements at the event, the Premier will launch SA Connected—the new across-government ICT Strategy. This strategy has been developed using feedback from the ICT Strategy Summit, held in March 2013, attended by over 400 executives from government and industry.

The Premier will also launch the government’s Open Data Action Plan, which will put the government’s Declaration of Open Data into practice and working for the SA economy.

Not to be missed, the event will not only provide a unique networking opportunity for government, business leaders and the ICT Industry, but also an opportunity to collaborate on the key issues raised and discuss how they will impact the digital economy in South Australia.

A panel of stakeholders from government and industry will answer your questions and discuss how strategy and open data can lead to better decision-making and a greater impact on SA businesses and the wider economy. You will also be one of the first to receive a copy of the new ICT strategy and open data action plan.

Our other speakers will help us unpack the effect of digital disruption on South Australia’s economic future and discuss how best to measure our performance against the new goals we seek. You’ll get a sneak peek at the findings from the Digital Disruption SA report and how ABS resources will provide information how to improve your businesses data capability.

Presented by

AIIA, ceda, Government of South Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics


Economic Leadership sponsor: Deloitte

Platinum sponsors: NEC, Telstra

Gold sponsors: IBM, IMAGINiT Technology, technologyone, Velrada

Silver sponsors: Harrison mcmillan, Hitachi Data Systems

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