Tim Kelsey
CEO, Australian Digital Health Agency
Tim Kelsey is Chief Executive of the Australian Digital Health Agency which is responsible for all national digital health services and systems, with a focus on engagement, innovation and clinical quality and safety.
He was formerly National Director for Patients and Information in NHS England – a role which combined the functions of chief technology and information officer with responsibility for patient and public participation. He took up the post in 2012 after serving as the British government’s first Executive Director of Transparency and Open Data.
He was also National Information Director for health and care in England and Chair of the National Information Board which advises the Secretary of State on national priorities for data and technology.
Tim is a leading advocate of a popular knowledge revolution in health and care and, in 2000, was co-founder of Dr Foster, a company which pioneered publication of patient outcomes in healthcare.
He is also an internationally regarded expert in digital transformation of the customer experience in healthcare. In 2007, he launched NHS Choices, the national online health information service (www.nhs.uk) which now reports around 40 million users per month. In 2014 Tim was named one of the 500 most influential people in the UK by The Sunday Times.
Before Dr Foster, Tim was a national newspaper journalist and a television reporter. He worked for the Independent and the Sunday Times, as well as Channel 4 and the BBC.
He is co-author with Roger Taylor of Transparency and the Open Society which was published by Policy Press and the University of Chicago in 2016.
Tim is visiting professor in the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London.
Follow Tim on Twitter: @tkelsey1