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Home Events AIIA WA Lunch: An Uncomfortable Change: Shifting Perceptions to Establish Pragmatic Cyber Security

AIIA WA Lunch: An Uncomfortable Change: Shifting Perceptions to Establish Pragmatic Cyber Security

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Hyatt Regency Perth, Plaza Ballroom 1 – 99 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6004 Australia


A/Professor Woodward describes the approach of a rapidly uncontrollable cyber space environment, one in which traditional boundaries no longer apply. His presentation evaluates the reasons for this situation, including the absence of cyber security standards, a piecemeal approach to education, a workforce with minimal skills in cyber security and an excessive focus on technological control. Address of the implicit threats will likely involve major shifts in power including the dilution of an individual organisation’s capacity to affect its own security. New perspectives, he proposes, are required to traverse this space and achieve pragmatic and effective cyber security.

Against this backdrop, David Dans – as CIO of an agency charged with the protection of a key government asset – provides an operational view on how his agency is positioning itself to deal with changes in the cyber space environment. This will include his agency’s preparations for exploiting cloud technologies in the renewal of major systems.

The speakers provide a broad spectrum on cyber security and, through presentation and audience interaction, offer a valuable opportunity to achieve new insights into this important topic.

A must attend event, don’t miss this opportunity!


  • Andrew Woodword, Head of the School of Computer and Security Science, Edith Cowan University
  • David Dans, CIO, Landgate

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