Home EventsAIIA Victorian Ministerial Policy Platform Series September 2018
AIIA Victorian Ministerial Policy Platform Series September 2018
Thursday, 13 September 2018
he AIIA Victoria Council invites you to attend the September 2018 Victorian Ministerial Policy Platform event, to be held on Thursday 13 September, 2018.
The Victorian Ministerial Policy Platform series has been designed to facilitate debate and discussion of key issues of relevance to the ICT industry, government, and broader business in the lead up to the 2018 Victorian State election.
The event will feature The Hon. Gordon Rich-Phillips MLC, Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Legislative Council), Shadow Assistant Treasurer of Victoria and Shadow Minister for Government Administration and Aviation who will describe key priorities for the next three years, with the key aim of the event to initiate conversations within our industry on how to enable the delivery of these priorities using technology.
Places for this event are strictly limited to 50 seats and are available on a ‘first in’ basis.
With a limited number of spaces per event, we encourage you to book your ticket today to avoid missing out.
Guest Speakers
The Hon. Gordon Rich-Phillips MLC Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Legislative Council), Shadow Assistant Treasurer of Victoria and Shadow Minister for Government Administration and Aviation
Gordon currently serves as Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, and holds the portfolios of Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Shadow Minister for Government Administration and Shadow Minister for Aviation.
In the current term of Parliament Gordon has chaired the Select Committee inquiry into the lease of the Port of Melbourne, and the Select Committee inquiry into the restructure of Victoria’s fire services.
Between 2010-2014 Gordon was a Cabinet Minister in the Baillieu/Napthine Coalition Government, serving as Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Aviation Industry and Minister for Technology. Key achievements in these roles included –
developing and implementing the first Vic Govt ICT Strategy to completely redesign the way in which ICT is purchased and used by government
IP and data access reforms to encourage innovation through easy access to govt datasets
delivering savings of over $340m to Victorian businesses through WorkCover reforms including new simplified WorkCover legislation
facilitating more than 5,500 jobs and over $1.1 billion of private sector investment in Victoria’s ICT, biotech and small tech sectors
establishing the Regional Aviation Fund and supporting the upgrade of 22 regional airports across Victoria
In 2008 Gordon was elected inaugural Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration and between 1999-2010 served on the prestigious Public Accounts and Estimates Committee.
Prior to being elected to Parliament Gordon was Aviation Manager in the Department of State Development working to build Victoria’s tourism and business investment performance and worked for IBIS Business Information in a range of economic research and analysis roles.
A pilot since the age of 16, Gordon holds a Commercial Pilot Licence and has flown extensively throughout much of south east Australia.
Elected to the Legislative Council in 1999 as Member for Eumemmerring Province, Gordon now represents the South Eastern Metropolitan Region.
Interested in sponsoring an event in the AIIA Victorian Ministerial Policy Platform series?
There are sponsorship opportunities for other events in this series.
If you would like to know more about how your organisation can be involved, please contact Kerryn Nelson on kerryn.nelson@bigmouth.net.au or via 03 9785 3050.
Terms and Conditions
By purchasing tickets to this event you agreed to the capture, storage and use of your data as detailed in the AIIA Privacy Policy. Refunds will be issued should the event be postponed and attendees cannot make the new date.