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Home AIIA Queensland Member Sundowner AIIA Queensland Member Sundowner

AIIA Queensland Member Sundowner

Thursday, 08 May 2014




Presentation by former iAwards winner, Professor Brian Lovell, School of ITEE, The University of Queensland (UQ) on his experience with the iAwards process and rewards.

In 2011, a face recognition technology developed by Professor Lovell’s Advanced Surveillance Research Group won the Merit Prize in the Queensland iAwards in the R&D Category for NICTA. The technology was then demonstrated in Melbourne at the National iAwards where it again won the Merit Prize in the R&D Category. Finally it was presented at the International Asia Pacific ICT Awards in Thailand where it won the APICTA Trophy for Best R&D in the Asia Pacific Region against 17 other countries. Since the award the technology has featured on BBC World News, ABC Catalyst, and virtually every news and current affairs program. The product has been commercialised and has been selected for several huge city-wide deployments.

Brian C. Lovell received the BE in electrical engineering in 1982, the BSc in computer science in 1983, and the PhD in signal processing in 1991: all from the University of Queensland (UQ). Professor Lovell is Director of the Advanced Surveillance Group in the School of ITEE, UQ. He was President of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) [2008-2010], and is Fellow of the IAPR, Senior Member of the IEEE, and voting member for Australia on the Governing Board of the IAPR. He was General Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing in Melbourne, 2013 and Program Co-Chair of the International Conference of Pattern Recognition in Tampa, 2008. His interests include non-cooperative Face Recognition, Biometrics, and Pattern Recognition.



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