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Home Events AIIA NSW Government Briefing: ‘Digital Spatial Information – How NSW Government is utilising DSI to drive innovation’

AIIA NSW Government Briefing: ‘Digital Spatial Information – How NSW Government is utilising DSI to drive innovation’

Wednesday, 25 May 2016
The Lyceum, Wesley Conference Centre, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Member price: $45)
Non Member price: $90


The NSW Government is leading the way in the adoption and application of Digital Spatial Information and has collected and developed a rich array of information.

This has become a vital tool for people who need information on land, the environment, transport, communications, utility services and demographics and is also used in everyday tools like GPS and online navigation.

As the NSW Government continues to drive both an Innovative State and an Innovative Government agenda, Digital Spatial Information will feature at the core of both these service delivery agendas.

We invite you to join us for the next Breakfast Briefing to hear insights and updates from Wayne Patterson, Executive Director, Information Sourcing, Land and Property Information within the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation and has been instrumental in driving innovation in this area.

Wayne’s presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session with other industry leaders in Digital Spatial Information.


Krissie Auld

Krissie Auld

Director Information and Spatial, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Krissie Auld is the Director of Information and Spatial at the Office of Environment and Heritage. Krissie’s team provides Information Management, Business Intelligence, Records management and Spatial services to the Planning and Environment Cluster.  In particular, the team provides spatial data management, publishing, database and application development.  They have a high compute infrastructure to service scientific research and spatial imagery and modelling.  This infrastructure will house the Copernicus sentinel satellite imagery for NSW. Her team is one of the leaders in government for spatial services.  Krissie is also responsible for Open Government and OEH has the only Open Government Program in NSW.

Sonya Sherman

Acting Director, Information, NSW Department of Finance Services & Innovation

Sonya Sherman is the Acting Director for Information at the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, supporting implementation of the ICT Strategy for NSW Government. She is responsible for whole-of-government policy and standards for data and information management, information security and open data. Sonya has been with NSW Government since January 2013. Prior to this, she has worked with public and private sector organisations specialising in digital records management and digital transformation.

Francisco Urbina


Chair of the NSW Location Intelligence Industry Advisory Committee (LIIAC) and Manager – Alliances & Partners, Esri Australia

Francisco has a strong interest in how the influence of new technologies are creating opportunities for all participants in the GIS and Location Industry. Francisco is captivated and excited by the emergence of whole new communities of users and practitioners using GIS and location to organise vast amounts of information in a simple, impactful and visual way.

Francisco has been involved in the GIS industry for over 20 years. Started by accident while completing his Bachelor of Geography (Environmental) from the University of Sydney. Currently Francisco is Manager, Alliance and Partners, at Esri Australia, a role that sees him engaged with a very fast moving and emerging community of non-traditional users of geospatial information.

Francisco is Chair of the NSW Branch for the Spatial Industry Business Association (SIBA), Chair of the NSW Government Location Intelligence Industry Advisory Committee (LIIAC), sits on the Advisory panel for the GeoNext conference and is also co-founder of GeoRabble, a community based forum for all things geo related.



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