Victorian iAwards Ceremony and Lunch
Join us in celebrating finalists in the Victorian State iAwards Ceremony, a great showcase for Victorian innovations with winners and merit recipients from the Victorian State iAwards across seven categories progressing to the National iAwards in August.
Enjoy lunch while networking with industry peers following the iAwards Ceremony with keynote The Hon. Gabrielle Williams MP, Minister for Government Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Public and Active Transport.
Keynote speaker

The Hon. Gabrielle Williams MP
Minister for Government Services
Minister for Consumer Affairs
Minister for Public and Active Transport
Gabrielle Williams has proudly represented her local community as the Member for Dandenong in the Victorian Parliament since 2014.
She currently serves as Minister for Government Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs and Minister for Public and Active Transport. As coordinating Minister for the newly established Department of Government Services, Gabrielle is passionate about ensuring that all Victorians are supported by services that are responsive to their needs and improve their day-to-day lives.
As Minister for Public and Active Transport, Gabrielle believes that public transport is for everyone – and is committed to creating a transport network that is well-connected and accessible to all in our community. One of her key priorities is also to make active transport options safer and more attractive for Victorians.
First appointed to the Cabinet in 2018, Gabrielle has previously served in several portfolios, including Ambulance Services, Mental Health, Treaty and First Peoples, Prevention of Family Violence, Women, and Youth. Prior to 2018, she served as Parliamentary Secretary across the Health, Carers and Volunteers, and Industry and Employment portfolios.
Gabrielle holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from Monash University. She has previously worked as a lawyer and project manager and has served as a director of a not-for-profit disability sport organisation.
Gabrielle is a passionate advocate for equity and social inclusion and is proud to be a member of Victoria’s first ever gender-equal Cabinet. She is committed to driving an ambitious reform agenda to improve outcomes for all Victorians.
Thank you to our Sponsors
This event is sponsored by the Victorian Government as part of the Digital Innovation Futures initiative.

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