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Home Events 2018 Navigating Technology and Jobs of the Future Summit

2018 Navigating Technology and Jobs of the Future Summit

Thursday, 22 March 2018





Summit Day




EarlyBird AIIA Member Price (Summit Day only):$ (Incl GST)

EarlyBird Non-Member Price (Summit Day only):$ (Incl GST)



Summit Gala Dinner




EarlyBird AIIA Member (Summit Dinner only):$ (Incl GST) BRONZE SPONSOR TABLE OF 10: $2200.00 (INCL GST)

EarlyBird Non-Member Price (Summit Dinner only):$ (Incl GST) BRONZE SPONSOR TABLE OF 10: $3900.00 (INCL GST)


  • AIIA Member Single: $225.00 (Incl GST)
  • AIIA Member Bronze sponsor table of 10: $2200.00 (Incl GST)


  • AIIA Single: $255.00 (Incl GST)
  • AIIA Bronze sponsor table of 10: $3900.00 (Incl GST)
Summit Day & Gala Dinner Package

EarlyBird AIIA Member Price (Summit Day & Dinner Package):$ (Incl GST)

EarlyBird Non-Member Price (Summit Day & Dinner Package):$ (Incl GST)




Navigating the jobs of the future

Despite fear that innovation and digital disruption will lead to job loss, 54% of Australians believe technology actually creates job opportunities. During the Summit, we will put the spotlight on the implications of new technologies, such as AI, machine learning and robotics, for the public sector. How will these technologies change the work done by the public sector, the skills they need to have, and the skills they will need to recruit the future workforce? And how will these technologies interact with the tech sector?

Transitioning our workforce

99% of Australians believe innovation and new technologies are important to our future prosperity. Ensuring the digital literacy of our labour market is critical in shaping the quality and resilience of our future workforce. There is increasing pressure for skills development to be agile and flexible, to align with the pace of technology and changing work requirements. During the Summit, we will examine the skills and capabilities that are critical to how work is evolving with the rise of technologies, such as AI, automation and robotics. We’ll also discuss the role of STEM and the concept of lifelong learning.

Architecting an agile workplace for the future

52% of Australians believe Australia is a strong, stable country that will be able to adapt to change. As new technologies become more mainstream at work, what are the opportunities and challenges associated with architecting a workplace where pervasive technologies augment the role and activities of people? Explore the architecture and the necessary components to build an effective workplace of the future at our Summit – with a focus on implications for government and government service delivery.


The Summit is designed to initiate collaboration between government, industry peers and educators, and determine how best to prepare for a future workforce in which technology is an inevitable and integral part of how most work is done today.

The aim of the Summit is to facilitate the conversations that technology and digital leaders are driving. More specifically:

  • The implications of new technologies, such as AI, machine learning and robotics, for future Government jobs and careers;
  • The policy implications of these technologies, such as:
    • Digital inclusion
    • Transition arrangements as jobs of the future emerge
    • Skills, education and training requirements
    • Recruitment and HR
    • The impact on existing industrial relations frameworks
  • The skills and capabilities Government will value in its workforce;
  • The legal and ethical implications for employers, employees, customers, and citizens in general;
  • The strategy and the role of government in supporting the transition to the workforce of the future.

Make sure you’re part of this important agenda and register for the AIIA Navigating Technology and Jobs of the Future Summit in Canberra, 22 March.


Senator the Hon. Zed Seselja

Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation

The Hon. Ed Husic MP

Shadow Minister for Employment Services, Workforce Participation and Future of Work, Shadow Minister for the Digital Economy

Shadow Minister Ed Husic has a well-established interest in digital innovation and the growth of Australia’s digital economy.

Elected to Federal Parliament in 2010, the Western Sydney-based MP has advocated for policies designed to promote early stage and digital innovation – because of its ability to generate the firms and jobs of the future. He also argued for the need to sharpen the national focus on preparing for the impact of automation and technology on current and future jobs.

Leading into the 2016 federal election, Ed was heavily involved in the development of Opposition policy designed to encourage the growth of startups and digital entrepreneurship. He also championed policies to help accelerate the creation of startup communities beyond Australia’s capital cities.

After the 2016 election Ed was promoted to the front bench as Shadow Minister for the Digital Economy, as well as Shadow Minister for Employment Services, Workforce Participation and the Future of Work.

He previously held the positions of Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister and Parliamentary Secretary for Broadband.

Gai Brodtmann MP

Shadow Assistant Minister for Cyber Security and Defence Personnel

Gai Brodtmann was elected the Member for Canberra on 21 August 2010 and has extensive experience in the public, private and community sectors.

From 2013-16, Gai was the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Defence and in October 2016, Gai was appointed Shadow Assistant Minister for Cyber Security and Defence.

Prior to entering politics, Gai ran her own small business for ten years and was a federal public servant, primarily with Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Attorney-General’s Department.

Gai’s foreign policy and national security interests include India and the Middle East, cyber security, critical infrastructure, defence estate, capability sustainment, skills development and female empowerment.

Gai has a significant policy interest in the Women, Peace and Security agenda and in driving the agenda forward.

Gai is a former member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade and the defence sub-committee. Gai is a member and former Deputy Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Public Accounts and Audit, Deputy Chair of the National Capital and External Territories Committee and a member of the National Broadband Network Committee.

Gai is a member of the Centre for Islamic and Arab Studies Advisory Group, the Australia-India Leadership Dialogue and the Beersheba Strategic Dialogue between Australia and Israel.

Chris Moraitis PSM

Secretary, Attorney-General’s Department

Chris Moraitis was appointed Secretary of the Attorney General’s Department in September 2014. Before this, he was a Deputy Secretary in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Over a 25 year career in DFAT, he held several senior positions, including as head of Corporate Management, International Organisations and Legal Divisions and as DFAT’s Senior Legal Adviser. He joined DFAT as a graduate in 1989.

Chris served as Australia’s High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea from 2006 to 2009. He also served in Australian missions in Paris, Madrid and Geneva.

Chris was awarded the Public Service Medal in 2014 for outstanding public service to Australia’s international affairs.

Chris holds Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degrees from the University of Melbourne and a Masters of International Law from the Australian National University. He was admitted to practice in Victoria as a barrister and solicitor in 1988.

Gavin Slater

CEO, Digital Transformation Agency

Gavin Slater has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Government’s Digital Transformation Agency since 1 May, 2017. The agency’s role is to accelerate the digital transformation of government.

Prior to this, Gavin spent 30 years in the private sector working in Financial Services. He was a member, for a period of 7 years, of the Group Executive Team of National Australia Bank, a top five ASX listed multinational company.  He was also a Director of the Bank of New Zealand for a period of five years.

Gavin has a proven track record in delivering large scale transformation in response to digital disruption and changing customer preferences.

Gavin is chair of the Very Special Kids Foundation, which promotes the profile and activities of the Very Special Kids hospice in Victoria.

He is a keen athlete and competes regularly in triathlons, and has completed two ironman events.

Gavin is married and has two daughters.

Elizabeth Kelly

Deputy Secretary, Department Industry, Innovation and Science, Jobs and Innovation Portfolio

Elizabeth Kelly commenced as Deputy Secretary at the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science in October 2017, where she is responsible for innovation, digital strategy and industry support programmes.

Prior to this, Elizabeth was Deputy Secretary, Governance at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet where she was responsible for machinery of government, Cabinet, legal policy and governance issues across the public service and coordination of support to the Prime Minister..

Elizabeth has previously served in two Deputy Secretary roles with the Attorney-General’s Department, firstly responsible for Civil Justice and Legal Services and then Strategic Policy and Coordination and ministerial support.

Before returning to the Australian Public Service in 2006, Elizabeth was the Director of Policy and Regulatory Services in the ACT Department of Justice and Community Safety, responsible for legal policy advice to the ACT Government. She also served as the Director of Policy for the Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department from 1996 to 2001, and was a Crown Prosecutor in the Serious Fraud Office, Fiji Director of Public Prosecutions in 1998.

Elizabeth was admitted as a legal practitioner by the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1989, practising as a solicitor at Blake Dawson Waldron in 1989/1990, for the New South Wales Royal Commission into Productivity in the Building Industry from 1990 to 1992 and for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions from 1992 to 1996.

Elizabeth completed the Advanced Management program at the Harvard Business School in 2012.

Martin Hehir

Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment

Martin took up the role of Deputy Secretary, Employment, in August 2014 after holding a Deputy Secretary role in the Department of Education and the former Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations since 2012. Prior to this he was Director-General of the Community Services Directorate, ACT Government.

Martin has held a number of senior positions in other ACT Government agencies. He has played a key role in a number of Ministerial Advisory Councils and supported Ministers at Ministerial Council meetings covering Housing, Community and Disability Services, Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and Employment, Education, Early Childhood, Training and Youth Affairs.

Martin holds an Economics Degree from the Australian National University and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment.

Kathy Leigh
Head of Service and Director-General
Chief Minister, treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Government

Kathy Leigh is the Director-General of the ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate and Head of the ACT Public Service.  She provides high level strategic advice to the ACT Chief Minister and Cabinet and chairs the Strategic Board of Directors-General.

Before taking up her position as ACT Head of Service, Ms Leigh was Director-General of the ACT Justice and Community Safety Directorate from October 2009. In this role she advised the ACT Attorney-General on a wide range of issues including legal policy, court reform, human rights, corrections, regulatory services and emergency management.

Ms Leigh previously served for a number of years with the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department overseeing policy development and national programs on access to justice, human rights, family law and administrative law.

Earlier in her career, Ms Leigh advised on international and constitutional law and represented Australia in treaty negotiations at the United Nations and other international forums.  She also worked at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Ms Leigh has a Bachelor of Arts (Griffith University), Bachelor of Laws (with Honours, from Australian National University), and a Master of International Law (Australian National University).

Dr Subho Banerjee
Deputy Secretary
Australian Government Department of Education and Training 

Dr Andrew Charlton

Director, AlphaBeta

Dr Andrew Charlton is co-founder of AlphaBeta, a leading economic analytics company based in Sydney and Singapore. He has previously worked for the United Nations and the London School of Economics. From 2008-2010, through the period of the global financial crisis, he served as senior economic advisor to the Prime Minister of Australia and Australia’s senior government official to the G20 economic summits. He received a Doctorate and Masters in Economics from the University of Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. He is the author of two books, Ozonomics (2007) and Fair Trade for All (2005), co-written with Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz. In 2011 he was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

Kerryn Vine-Camp

First Assistant Commissioner, Australian Public Service Commission

Kerryn joined the Australian Public Service Commission as First Assistant Commissioner in October 2016 from the Department of Health where she was responsible for the People, Communication and Capability Division after transitioning the Health Provider Compliance Division to Health from the Department of Human Services as part of a Machinery of Government Change in November 2015.

She has held several positions in the Senior Executive Service including the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Attorney General’s Department and the Department of Climate and Energy Efficiency.

Prior to joining the SES Kerryn was with the Department of Defence in Canberra and Townsville and the Queensland Public Service in Brisbane and Mount Isa. Kerryn started her career in the private sector working with Ansett Australia until September 2001.

Kerryn has been a speaker at a number of national and international forums and has a particular interest in leading teams, crisis management and the challenges of modern management, particularly in a rural and remote context.

Claire MasonDr Claire Mason

Senior Social Scientist, Data 61/CSIRO

Dr Claire Mason is a senior social scientist in Data61 of the CSIRO. Her research explores the opportunities and challenges associated with our increased reliance on digital technology across a range of contexts – in our homes and businesses, in our jobs, in vocational education and training, in regional communities and in later life.

Claire is the co- author of Tomorrow’s Digitally Enabled Workforce report   and has been asked to go on different ABC programs to talk about jobs of the future and how people will adjust to digital plus STEM.

Mukul Agrawal

Chief Citizen Experience Officer, Department of Human Services

Mukul Agrawal started as The Chief Citizen Experience Officer for the Department of Human Services in November 2017. Mukul is responsible for proactively supporting the departments focus on improving the citizen experience as well as help facilitate design of relevant experiences to help meet policy intent. A key part of his role is to help the department engage citizens and community groups to understand their needs, their pain points as well as conduct relevant ethnographic and behavioural based research to help the department formulate an adequate response.

Prior to joining the department, Mukul has had an extensive career in banking and finance with one of Australia’s leading financial companies, AMP. Mukul was a Director for Omni Channel Goals Solutions, leading the design and execution of the goals based architecture and operating model for AMP. This included design and delivery of channel, segment and product transformation.

Mukul has held a variety of roles in the private sector focusing on strategy and business development, process improvement, digital transformation and customer experience.

He holds a Master of Business Administration from Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM), a Bachelor of Commerce (with Honours in Accounting) from the University of New South Wales, is a Certified Practicing Accountant as well as a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

David Pattie

Group Manager, Improving Student Outcomes, Australian Government Department of Education and Training

David is a professional aeronautical engineer with 26 years experience here and overseas in both military and civil aviation including aircraft design, maintenance and operations, national and international policy, standards and regulatory development, quality management systems, compliance and audit, and education. David moved to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in 2009 and has worked in the Corporate, Income Support and Schooling areas mainly running large funding programmes and developing and implementing significant changes to those programmes. David has also worked in the VET Quality and Regulation area with responsibility for the relationship with the regulator ASQA, the VET regulations and standards, and underlying policies such as participation, foundation skills, accredited courses and assessment.

David is current Group Manager, Improving Student Outcomes Group covering the policy and programmes for schools and youth including school curriculum, teacher and school leadership, student wellbeing, indigenous programs and transitions for students leaving school.

Julian Clarke

Executive Director Human Resources at Telstra

I am currently Head of HR for Telstra Enterprise. I work in HR because I am passionate about enabling people and organisations to be their best. For me the key to this is great leadership and having the right workplace culture. I love working with businesses to achieve this – and so deliver great outcomes for customers, employees and shareholders.

I have worked in HR since 2010. Prior to that I was a lawyer, both in-house at Telstra, at Freehills (where I worked in the employee relations practice for 8 years) and in the UK, where I was born and bred. Outside work, I enjoy living in the country (and working flexibly), breeding Arabian horses, as well as cooking and good food.

Tony Katsabaris

Managing Director, Government & Education, Adobe Asia

Tony Katsabaris runs Adobe’s Government and Education business across the Asia Pacific Region. This business is focused on helping government’s and educational institutions to efficiently deliver citizen and student experiences via the use of Adobe’s Marketing Cloud solutions.

He has been in the Australian software and on-line industry for over 20 years and has developed a very strong portfolio of people, business, sales and channel management experiences. His leadership and business management skills have been honed through running the Enterprise Sales and Channel Operations for some of the world’s largest on-line and software companies.

Tony is based in Sydney, Australia. Tony can be contacted at [email protected]

Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. For more information visit: www.adobe.com.

Jennifer Mulveny

Director, Government Relations, Adobe Asia Pacific

Jennifer Mulveny serves as Adobe’s Director of Government Relations for Asia-Pacific based in Sydney.  She is responsible for all public policy issues that impact Adobe’s regional business, including data, international trade, privacy, cybersecurity, education and intellectual property.

Before joining Adobe in 2017 Jennifer was Director of Policy for Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia at Intel Corporation. She served as Intel’s U.S. Senate Republican liaison in Washington, D.C. where she lived for almost 20 years before moving to Australia in 2014.

During her time in Washington Jennifer also served as Director of Global Trade Policy at Hewlett-Packard. She also was a political appointee under President George W. Bush serving as Deputy Assistant for Congressional Affairs at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.  She has worked in the U.S. Congress in both the House and Senate.

Jennifer has held several advisory roles within government and business, specialising in matters of international trade and technology policy.

She currently chairs the special interest group on public policy for the Australia Information Industry Association (AIIA) and was recently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University teaching global business and public policy.  She received her undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her post-graduate degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University in Washington D.C.  She lives in Sydney with her husband and two sons.

Cameron Pitt

Partner, Human Capital Consulting, Deloitte

Cameron is the National Workforce Optimisation Lead, Federal Government / Defence Lead within Deloitte’s Human Capital Consulting practice.

Cameron has 16 years of experience consulting in the human capital arena working with Governments and private organisations to align their workforce with business strategy, with a particular focus on using Ai Assistants to redesign work, and workforce, to drive greater efficiency and to increase productivity.

Cameron has vast national and international leadership experience that spans Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, New Zealand and the broader APAC region.

Fiona Anson

Co-Founder and Director, JobGetter

Fiona Anson is the Co-Founder and CEO of JobGetter – Australia’s premier job-seeker focussed jobs marketplace.

JobGetter’s mandate is to help turn job seekers into job getters – and to help people get into the work they want.

JobGetter is also Australia’s leader in workforce data and analytics, consulting to Education, Industry, Government and Communities as to what’s happening in the world of work, the changing future of work and what is needed to get and keep people in jobs.

Spearheading the annual national initiative, The Jobs Agenda, Fiona is a thought leader and influencer, leading the conversation around jobs, careers, education and the workforce of the future.  Fiona is a regular speaker and writer on the topic of work and is regularly sought after by the media for commentary.

Author of the recent White Paper, “From Education to Employment”, which focussed on the growing skills gaps and the need for education employment outcomes, Fiona was asked by 31 individual media outlets to comment on the relevance of qualifications, the trends around jobs demand and the growth of the focus on soft skills.  Fiona’s commentary on featured on SkyNews, The Australian, Yahoo Finance, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Campus Review, MyBusiness and Recruitment International, among others.

Fiona is an award-winning businesswoman with a proven track in business.  In the early 2000s, Fiona won Sydney Businesswomen of the Year, the American Express Award for the fastest growing business in Australia and was a NSW state finalist for the Telstra Businesswomen of the Year awards.

She has been the go-to business expert for the Newscorp’s Australian daily  newspapers and Channel 9’s Small Business Show and is regularly featured in the media. As well as being featured on Qantas’ In Flight program, Fiona has written for just about every major newspaper and business publication in the country.

Fiona is a mentor at the University of Technology, Sydney, through their entrepreneurs Hatchery+ programme, and an industry partner for their Bachelor of Technology and Innovation undergraduate degree. Fiona has been a mentor and judge at TiE Women’s Create-a-thon and a teacher of commercialising business ideas and creating partnerships at General Assembly.

Fiona also sits on the Board of the Australian Industry Information Association.

She is passionate about entrepreneurship, supporting youth, millennials in the workforce, the education sector, women in business, social responsibility and helping others to become the best they can be.

Fiona is a qualified Accountant (ADipBus(Acctg), BBus(Acctg)) with a love and skill for direct marketing and is the author of 3 business books.  Her newest book, Making Work Work, is due for release in mid 2018.

She is also a property developer, screenwriter, water and snow skier, traveller, movie goer and, most importantly, mother to a gorgeous 23 year old son.

Professor Elanor Huntington

Dean of Engineering and Computer Science – ‎Australian National University

Professor Huntington is the first female Dean of Engineering and Computer Science at the Australian National University and still one of a few in the world. She is committed to growing the profile of Engineering in the community and is passionate about attracting more young women to take up careers that draw on STEM skills.

In June 2014, Professor Huntington was appointed the Dean of the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science and prior to that was the Head of the School of Engineering and Information Technology with UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy.

She is excited to be leading a project to reimagine a new type of engineering and computing, fit for the middle of the 21st century, which is all about understanding and shaping large-scale systems of people acting and interacting with each other through their digital and physical environments.  She started talking about this idea in her TEDxSydney talk in 2017.

Professor Huntington has a PhD (2000) in experimental quantum optics from the ANU and her current research interests are in the control of quantum systems, with a particular interest in the interface between theory and applications. She is also a program manager in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology.

Jan Owen AM

CEO, Foundation for Young Australians

Jan is a highly regarded social entrepreneur, innovator, commentator and author who has spent the past 25 years growing the youth, social enterprise and innovation sectors.

In 2012 she was named Australia’s inaugural Australian Financial Review and Westpac Woman of Influence. Jan has been awarded honorary degrees (honoris causa) from the University of Sydney (DLitt) and Murdoch University, Western Australia (DUniv); and was awarded membership to the Order of Australia in 2000. She is the author of Every Childhood Lasts a Lifetime (1996) and The Future Chasers (2014).

Jan is currently the CEO of the Foundation for Young Australians; was previously Executive Director of Social Ventures Australia; and Founder and CEO of the CREATE Foundation.

Permenthri Pillay

Vice President & Partner, Public Sector, IBM Australia / New Zealand

Permenthri is Vice President & Partner in IBM Global Business Services and leads Public Sector for Australia/New Zealand.

Permenthri has over 20 years’ experience consulting to all levels of government, in both Australia and previously South Africa, especially in Revenue and Policy as well as Social Services.  In Australia she has consulted to many Federal Government Agencies including, the ATO, Centrelink, Department of Human Services, Department of Finance, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as well as the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute.

Permenthri’s experience with the South African Government included work on the Constitutional Assembly’s Public Participation Program – working with civil society organisations and politicians to receive stakeholder input into the constitution writing process and leading Transformation for the City of Cape Town.  Both these roles were focused on consultations with stakeholders across the political spectrum, unions, community organisation, politicians and administrators.

She has advised on building capacity of organisations, individuals, and Government institutions in policy development, implementation and business operations.

Before joining IBM, Permenthri held senior roles at SAP and Booz & Company. She is based in Canberra.

Dr Vanessa Douglas-Savage

Consulting Director and CIO at GWI

Dr Vanessa Douglas-Savage is an information management and information architecture specialist who leads the Information Practice at GWI.

A highly skilled consultant with more than 10 years’ industry experience, Vanessa specialises in information privacy, knowledge management and information management. Her research skills are backed by has strong analytic, writing and speaking skills.

Vanessa works with clients across a broad range of sectors including state and local government, mining and resources, tertiary education, property and telecommunications sectors.

Her specialities include information privacy, assurance and architecture, and asking the right questions using data. Vanessa’s experience includes:

  • Information security policy and advice
  • IT Planning, including portfolio prioritisation
  • Enterprise architecture artefact development, particularly in the business and information layers.

Vanessa’s information privacy work spans legislative analysis and understanding to the application of privacy requirements to ICT systems and processes. Familiar with Australian privacy legislation and industry regulations, she has supported many clients to identify and meet their obligations while leveraging the potential of as-a-service arrangements.

Vanessa helps organisations to understand their data and answer meaningful questions. For example, she has recently helped a local government identify the best operating model for data science that will allow it to answer key questions and deliver ratepayer value.

Vanessa’s expertise in quickly evaluating and responding to information-centric challenges extends to working with organisations in the face of privacy breaches and information security incidents.

Vanessa is also highly experienced in facilitating information exchange between organisations. Recent work has included establishing inter-organisational agreements to improve the information available to protect vulnerable children within existing regulatory frameworks.

Vanessa holds a PhD from Griffith University. Her dissertation explored the context surrounding Knowledge Management (KM) within organisations, to identify opportunities for IT support. She is driven by a passion to always find a better way of doing things, and enjoys working with people to exploit the value of their organisational information.

David Caspari

Vice President, Enterprise & Government Optus Business

David Caspari leads the national sales force across Enterprise & Government for Optus Business, including Account Management, Acquisition, Specialist Sales, Pre-sales as well as Customer Delivery and local Marketing.

David has held a number of senior roles in Australia and Asia for global enterprises in the IT product, services and software sectors. He has experience in a wide variety of markets and in businesses at various stages of development – from turnaround and transformation to high growth and expansion.

Before starting at Optus in May 2014, he spent seven years at HP, most recently as Managing Director of HP South Pacific and leading the Enterprise Group. He was previously Managing Director of HP Services (formerly EDS) for Australia and New Zealand.

Earlier in his career, David headed Nortel’s wireline operations for Asia Pacific. He then spent a number of years at Cisco, firstly leading its Asia Pacific telecommunications business before being appointed President, India.

As a high-profile, high-performing executive, David provides the leadership that will ensure Optus Business continues to provide outstanding ICT products and services, and value to our customers.


7.30am Registrations & networking. Coffee & tea on arrival

Welcome by Summit Master of Ceremonies

Brad Howarth, Researcher and Writer


Opening Remarks

John Paitaridis, Chairman, AIIA National Board


Navigating Technology and the Jobs of the Future. Australia’s Future Workforce, the opportunities and challenges  

The Hon Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation


Navigating Technology and the Jobs of the Future. Developing the narrative that everyone ‘gets’

An important learning from the last Australian federal election is the importance of getting the narrative right.  Despite both parties backing messaging about innovation being key to Australia’s competitiveness and growth, in the end what the electorate heard was –  innovation means using more technology, technology means disruption, digital disruption means jobs are disappearing – ‘I’m going to lose my job’.  With sometimes polarised views about the impact of AI, robots, automation on the future of work, what is the ‘right’ narrative – the one that citizens ‘get’ and buy into?


Dr Andrew Charlton, Director,AlphaBeta

9.50am Q&A with Andrew Charlton

Topic: How technology is impacting work, the workplace and the worker of the future

This session explores some of the specific impacts new technologies such as AI, robots, machine learning, augmented reality, 3D printing etc will have (are having) on the work we do, the workplaces we work in and the types of skills we will need as workers into the future.

Brad Howarth, Researcher and Writer

10.20am Morning Tea & networking

Theme: The work of the future

This session will:

  • Identify and discuss the technologies that are changing how we work and what work we   do in the future
  • Consider how these technologies will change the way government delivers its services   and communicates and transacts with citizens
  • Speculate about the jobs that will stay, the jobs that will go and the jobs that will   change
  • Discuss the jobs and careers in the future in Government
  • Consider legal and ethical implications

Using the customer experience for the right customer service experience

As technologies such as AI, automation and robots become more commonplace in the workplace, what are the implications for government, government service delivery and the work and workers of the public service in the future?


Mr Mukul Agrawal, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Department of Human Services


Technology, Government and the Customer Experience

Despite the change brought about by modern digital technologies – even within the last 20 or so years, our ability to adapt and optimise the opportunities of digital change is testament to human innovation and resilience on the one hand, and the imperative for growth on the other.  The growing use of automation, AI – machines generally, presents substantial opportunity for the Australian economy – for business and government alike.

  • What   will be the impact of new technologies such as automation and AI on   government – on how it does business, delivers its services and interacts   with citizens?

Julian Clarke, Head of Human Resources, Telstra Enterprise


Panel: The work that stays. The work that goes. The work that changes. What does the future of work in government really look like?   

History shows that technology has been a significant driver of job creation. In fact, in Australia alone, during the first 15 years of the 21st century the workforce increased by some 32% with job growth outnumbering job losses by a ratio of 10 to one. Reflecting on recent concerns about the impact of automation, AlphaBeta in its report The Automation Advantage, makes the point that “more than changing what jobs we do, automation is changing the way we do our jobs”.

This panel hones in on what these changes may look like for the public sector and if there has there been any thinking and planning about how the nature of work and the conditions for work in the APS will be impacted by technologies such as AI, machine learning, augmented reality etc?


Kerryn Vine-Camp, First Assistant Commissioner, Australian Public Service Commission

Martin Hehir, Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment


Panel:  Augmenting the human factor: The role of technology

While machines have changed and replaced some of what people ‘do’ at work, humans remain indispensable. Even with advances in machines and automation, computers remain far inferior to humans in handling unpredictable situations that require out-of-the-box thinking, empathy and understanding other humans.

This panel will explore the likely relationship between machine and human labour in the future.

  • Dr   Claire Mason, Senior Social Scientist, Data61/CSIRO
  • Gavin   Slater, CEO, Digital Transformation Agency
  • Cameron   Pitt, Partner, Human Capital Consulting, Deloitte

Session MC and panel facilitator: Tony Katsabaris, Managing Director, Government & Education, Adobe Asia

12.40pm Lunch & networking

STREAM A: The WorkForce of the Future: Building Capability

This stream will:

  • Examine   the skills and capabilities critical to how work is evolving with the rise of   technologies such as AI, automation and robotics
  • Consider   transitional issues as the nature of work changes – what is available or   needs to be available to support the transition
  • Discuss   the role of STEM and digital literacy
  • Discuss   the concept of lifelong learning and the implications of this
  • Discuss   new models of employment and implications for workers

Session MC: TBA, gwi

STREAM B: Architecting the Workplace of the Future

This stream will:

  • Explore   the architecture/the components necessary to build an effective workplace of   the future
  • Explore   what the workplace of the future looks like – particularly given the   traditional nature of the institution of government
  • Consider   the HR ramifications of a workforce driven by technologies such as AI and   robots
  • Explore   possible industrial relations implications
  • Discuss   the nature of the transition – if there is one – and what this implies and   requires
  • Investigate   the role of technology is supporting the transition

Session MC: Stuart Althaus, CEO, SME Gateway

1.30 pm

The skillset of the future worker

Rather than completely and dramatically replacing existing occupations and job categories, technological disruptions are more likely to substitute specific tasks, resulting in changes to core skill sets.  While there will be exciting new opportunities, the jobs of tomorrow by and large, require us to prioritise and build on skills that are already in use today. What is the likely core skill set for the jobs of the future?

Rob Fitzpatrick, CEO, AIIA

AI, machines and the Gig Economy – Reimaging the Workplace

AI, automation, robots, drones, the ‘gig economy’ – suggest the possibility of a very different looking workspace and workplace.  What does the reimagined workplace of the future look like?

Jan Owen AM, CEO, The Foundation for Young Australians

1.45 pm

Building capability: Digital literacy, STEM and lifelong learning



  • What   skills will be need to do our future jobs?
  • What   is the role and importance of digital literacy, STEM and lifelong learning in   preparing for the jobs of the future?
  • How   do we build the capabilities that these jobs will require?
  • Whose   role is it to do what?
  • What   are we missing?
  • Elizabeth   Vega, Founder and CEO, Informed Solutions and   AIIA National Board Director

Top Tips for Architecting the Workplace of the Future


What is the advice from experts about how we need to architect the workplace of the future for the worker and work of the future?


  • Fiona   Anson, Co-Founder and Director JobGetter and AIIA   National Board Director



Panel:  Skilling up, reskilling and digital literacy the new norm in the Jobs of the Future

Skilling up, reskilling and ensuring the digital literacy of our labour market will be critical in shaping the quality and resilience of our future workforce.
Is our community sufficiently digitally literate now for the jobs of the future?

Elizabeth Kelly, Deputy Secretary, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Jobs and Innovation Portfolio

Mr David Pattie, Group Manager, Improving Student Outcomes, Australian Government Department of Education and Training

Elizabeth Vega, Founder and CEO, Informed Solutions and AIIA National Board Director

Panel facilitator: Greg Boorer, Chair, AIIA ACT Council

Panel: Architecting an agile workplace for the future.  Is this possible?

As is the case now, the workplace of the future will be supported by a range of foundations such as skills, regulations, behaviours and ethics.  What are the opportunities and challenges associated with architecting a workplace where pervasive technologies augment the role and activities of people?

Chris Moraitis PSM, Secretary, Attorney General’s Department  

Kathy Leigh, Head of Service and Director-General, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Government


Permenthri Pillay, Vice President & Partner, Public Sector Leader, IBM ANZ



Panel facilitator: James Hipwell, Head of ACT Major Accounts, Telstra Enterprise

3.00pm Afternoon Tea & networking

Panel Close of Day: Navigating Technology and the Jobs of the Future. Preparing today for the jobs of tomorrow.  


  • Hon Ed Husic MP, Shadow Minister for Employment Services,   Workforce Participation and Future of Work Shadow Minister for the Digital   Economy
  • Gai Brodtmann MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Cyber   Security and Defence Personnel
  • Industry panel representative – Jennifer Mulveny, Director, Government Relations, Adobe   Asia Pacific
  • Professor Elanor Huntington, Dean of Engineering and Computer Science – ‎Australian National University

Panel facilitator: Brad Howarth

4.20pm Closing Remarks: Rob Fitzpatrick, CEO, AIIA
4.30pm Close. Room turnaround for Summit Dinner
6.45pm Summit Gala Dinner – Registrations, drinks & networking
7.30pm Summit Gala Dinner to commence

Summit Gala Dinner

6.45pm– Gala Dinner Registration & Networking
7.20pm – Gala Dinner to commence
10.30pm – Gala Dinner to Conclude

Hotel Realm 18 National Circuit Canberra ACT 2600


Gala Dinner Single and Table Tickets

AIIA Member (Summit Dinner Only): $225 (inc GST)

AIIA Member (Summit Dinner Table ): $2,200 (inc GST)

Non-Member (Summit Dinner Only): $255 (inc GST)

Non-Member (Summit Dinner Table): $3,900 (inc GST)

Summit Day & Gala Dinner Package

AIIA Member (Summit Day & Dinner Package): $745 (inc GST)

Non-Member (Summit Day & Dinner Package): $795 (inc GST)

The Honourable Angus Taylor MP

Minister for Law Enforcement and Cyber Security, Federal Member for Hume

Angus entered politics in 2013 when he was elected as the Liberal Federal Member for Hume in NSW.

Building on his background in economics, Angus was appointed to parliamentary committees on employment, trade and investment, and public accounts. He was also chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties.

Angus was promoted to Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister with special responsibility for Cities and Digital Transformation in February 2016. He was reappointed to the frontbench after the 2016 Federal election.

Angus’ portfolios stretch across the whole of government to improve city liveability and tackle long standing issues of traffic congestion, housing affordability and the need to create jobs closer to where people live. He has a focus on regional cities and outer suburban cities.

With a passion for cutting edge technology and the benefits for citizens of the digital age, Angus authored an essay The Promise of Digital Government which was published by the Menzies Research Centre in 2016.

He has gained a reputation amongst his constituents as a keen problem solver, focusing in his electorate on growth opportunities for regional communities and improving telecommunications.

Prior to entering parliament in 2013 Angus was a Director at Port Jackson Partners where he was a strategy and business advisor on the resources, agriculture, energy and infrastructure sectors. Prior to this he was a partner at global consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

Angus has a Bachelor of Economics (First Class Honours and University Medal) and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Sydney. He also has a Master of Philosophy in Economics from Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. His thesis was in the field of competition policy.

In his private capacity Angus has founded or advised a number of small, fast growing start-up businesses, particularly in the agriculture sector.

He lives at Goulburn with his wife Louise and their four children.


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