AI is boosting security camera capabilities at great speed. But who’s keeping watch to make sure this technology is used responsibly – and legally? National iAward winner SmartAIConnect has developed a solution to provide some much-needed guidance.

Two of Smart AI Connect’s directors, Matt Clayworth and Christine Lane, with the iAward at the National Ceremony.
Whether we like it or not, we’re becoming more used to being on camera. Be it while scanning our groceries, attending festivals and events, at work or even when stepping onto our neighbour’s porch.
As AI and machine learning continually up the ante on surveillance sophistication, businesses are grappling with understanding what AI is running on their networks and how to control it.
It’s a problem that prompted a group of innovators with AI governance experience to develop the solution SmartAIConnect. It provides a framework for responsible AI for security cameras.
CEO Chris Lane says the framework is relevant to all security cameras. “In factories, airports, logistics centres, hospitals and shopping centres and so on.”
In terms of privacy and compliance, there’s two key areas that people are “most worried” about, Chris says. The first is generative AI models like Open AI. The second is computer vision software, like what is used at major retailers.”
Chris says we all have a right to ask these questions of organisations using security cameras: Who’s managing the AI? Who’s monitoring it? Who’s protecting me?
“Those using this technology have a responsibility to have some understanding about what the vision and AI is being used for,” Chris says.
A “world first” responsible AI framework
If AI moves fast, so does Chris’s team. After coming up with the idea and tech blueprint back for the framework solution in 2021, they moved it from a prototype to a minimal viable product (MVP) in six months.
“It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the best idea in the world…moving your product to market is another thing,” Chris says.
He credits SmartAIConnect’s directors – his wife Christine, Dr Kelvin Ross and Matt Clayworth – who all bring a broad experience spanning IT, business and other industries, for helping achieve this.
Smart AI Connect offers the first platform of its kind to address the growing need for an AI framework that helps an organisation to correctly use AI data, while also promoting responsible AI governance. “The framework will help clear up those grey areas.”
How the solution works
At its core, the solution monitors the organisation’s cameras to know what AI is running and manages the AI camera deployments and interface data. It also protects the organisation and AI cameras for AI governance, assurance and compliance.
The solution aligns with international standard ISO/IEC 42001ISO, AI Management Systems,
which specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) within organisations.
Chris notes that SmartAIConnect does more than help organisations ensure that necessary controls, risk models and transparent audit trails are in place. “It can help them to centralise their data and integrate AI properly into their workflow so they can get a better ROI.”
Immediate benefits to iAwards win
As well as winning an iAward at both the Queensland state and National Ceremonies for the Start-up category, the Gold Coast-based company was awarded a merit in the same category at the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards and enjoyed immediate benefits from the win.
“The recognition, especially as a start-up, definitely raised our profile. “We also had two VC groups that had no idea we were going to do a Series A round approach me.”
The interaction with the judges also forced the team to think hard about how they pitched their solution. “The judging panel was a really well selected group of individuals,” Chris says. “They asked great questions that were very relevant.
Note: Western Australian innovators enter the iAwards National competition through the state-based INCITE Awards. Entries close Tuesday 2 April.
Tasmanian innovators enter through the TasICT Awards.