Skills it Forward
A content-driven campaign led by the AIIA – members and the broader community share their stories about the workforce of the future, graduates, skills and STEM Education; through featured content as role models and STEM champions.
“The nature of work is changing…Australia needs to build capability for a 21st century global economy that is driven by data, digital technologies and innovation. This requires an appropriately skilled workforce that can ‘create’ not just ‘use’ technology.” – AIIA Skills Policy Position Statement 2016
For a small production fee, participating partners will video a short overarching narrative as a partner in the Skill it Forward campaign. This umbrella branding elevates individual partner messages, while building a libary that showcases the commitment, leadership and investment of the industry to foster the workforce of tomorrow.
Partners may also contribute existing materials, programs and content to be showcased in a curated Skill it Forward library – promoted to Industry, Government, media and they broader community – helping to improve accessibility to existing materials and highlight new investment support for skills and STEM education.
Skill it Forward is an AIIA initiative, proudly supported by OK RDY – a start up helping companies automate, scale and optimise their CSR, mentoring and emerging talent programs through recommendations and data analytics.
Contact Timothy McKay or Suzanne Roche for more information
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The Board of Directors oversees all AIIA operations, develops the National Business Plan, and sets the strategic direction of the Association.
The State and Territory Councils promote the AlIA’s objectives, programs, policies, interests and objectives within those specific State and Territories.
The Executive provides management and operational support for the activities of the Association nationally.
The AIIA had its origins as the Australian Computer Equipment Suppliers’ Association (ACESA), which was established in 1978.
AIIA manages a number of programs to support and promote the digital industry, including both national and state-based initiatives.
The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) is the peak representative body and advocacy group for the ICT industry in Australia.
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