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Home Making the Budget Count for ICT Insight into the 2015-16 SA Budget Making the Budget Count for ICT Insight into the 2015-16 SA Budget

Making the Budget Count for ICT Insight into the 2015-16 SA Budget

Thursday, 01 October 2015



South Australia’s Weatherill Government is poised to deliver a raft of ICT initiatives on the back of its expected return to surplus in 2015-16. The government’s second Budget is strongly focused on stimulating the economy and promoting job growth, and sees innovation as a path to achieving this.

The Budget is also an important milestone for the state’s ICT market as it signals the Government’s intention to overhaul critical legacy systems and deliver efficiency gains across government. A host of initiatives are set to transform the ICT capabilities underpinning the justice system for example, with the Courts Administration Authority and Police set to benefit from a combined spend of more than $35 million.

With several large projects in the pipeline, understanding the financial aspects and forward planning will be crucial for the ICT Industry and agency representatives alike.

Treasurer Koutsantonis’s presentation will identify and address some of the priorities and challenges facing the South Australian Government from a digital, ICT and innovation perspective.

Senior Government Representatives will respond to a facilitated Q&A Panel Session providing key insights into budget priorities and business and ICT procurement plans and:

  • Provide insight into the challenges departments are facing with Digital Transformation; and
  • Discuss the requirements for outcome based procurement and the importance of focusing on outcomes, not technology.

Intermedium will provide market analysis and insight appropriate for both industry and agency representatives.

Join us for this one-off opportunity to understand how the new Budget will impact your organisation.

Special ‘SME Only’ Workshop: ‘Budget funded opportunities – Engaging with the South Australian Government’
9am – 10:30am

(This event is optional for SMEs and is included in the event ticket price for SMEs)

This is a 1.5 hour long workshop that will help SMEs enhance their understanding of how to engage with the Government to pursue budget funded opportunities.

The workshop will include a presentation by Intermedium as well as active discussion by attendees. Workshop attendees will:

Receive a list of budget funded opportunities which can be used as a prospecting tool to identify opportunities to their businesses
Develop a clearer understanding of strategies for engaging with the Government
Learn about what they need to be able to say and do to gain traction with the agency in regard to the opportunity (e.g. understanding the value for money perspective)
The workshop will run immediately following the SA Budget Briefing.

Please note: This event is for SMEs only. All SMEs that purchase a ticket to the Budget Briefing Breakfast are entitled to attend the SME workshop.

Keynote Speakers
Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, Treasurer, SA Government
Judy Hurditch, Principal Analyst, Intermedium
Confirmed Panellists

  • David Reynolds, Deputy Under Treasurer, SA Government
  • Karin Geraghty, Chief Information Officer, Department for Environment, Water, and Natural Resources
  • Bill LeBlanc, Executive Director, eHealth Systems & CIO SA Health
  • Rick Seaman, Director – Digital Government, Office for Digital Government

Presented By

AIIA & Intermedium

Sponsored By

Platinum Sponsor: Fuji Xerox

Bronze Sponsor: Dimension Data

Supporting Partner: ITCRA


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