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Home AIIA Exporters Club: Doing ICT Business in Singapore & Pre-mission Briefing AIIA Exporters Club: Doing ICT Business in Singapore & Pre-mission Briefing

AIIA Exporters Club: Doing ICT Business in Singapore & Pre-mission Briefing

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Investment Centre Victoria, Level 46, 55 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia


Keynote Speakers

  • Sally-Ann Watts, Assistant General Manager, Austrade
  • Kathy Coultas, Director, Innovation and Technology – Trade and Investment, DEDJTR

Exporter Panel

  • Paul Cooper, Principal Consultant, SMS Management & Technology
  • Zac Jacobs, Director of Business, Operations & Marketing, Millipede
  • Bryan Ericson, CEO, Affirm Software

Statistics tell us there are 37,400 international companies with headquarters in Singapore, which include 7,000 multinationals, and Singapore is host to more than 80 of the world’s top 100 software and services companies. Multinational companies that have established regional or branch offices in Singapore include Google, Hewlett-Packard (HP), IBM, and SMS Management & Technology.

The ICT industry is a key driver of the Singapore economy. Currently, Singapore government agencies are utilising cloud computing for critical IT resources. In 2012, Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SingTel) and HP partnered to jointly implement a private cloud computing infrastructure for the Singapore Government Cloud (G-Cloud), a five-year tender awarded by the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA).

The Infocomm Development Authority’s Technology Roadmap focusses on several core areas, all of which present business opportunities for Victorian ICT companies. Areas include:

  • Big Data
  • Cloud Computing Cyber Security
  • Internet of Things
  • ICT and Sustainability
  • Communications of the Future
  • Social Media
  • New Digital Economy
  • User Interface

The AIIA Exporter Club – supported by the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources (DEDJTR), and in association with the Export Council of Australia – is delighted to invite you to an event focussed on doing ICT business in Singapore. At this event you will also be briefed on the DEDJTR trade mission to Singapore and CommunicAsia in June.

Our expert speakers will highlight:

  • The dos and don’t of business in Singapore
  • Challenges and opportunities for ICT companies
  • The logistics of the CommunicAsia trade mission

A panel of exporters will share their warts and all experiences of doing business in the market and share their hints for success. There will also be ample opportunities to network over a coffee and a pastry.


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